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The Line

Winter 2005 session ~

a dancers' equivalent to a gay men's chorus ~ I call it

" The Line"

Join The Gay Men’s Chorus Line!
(Not to be confused with the TCGMC)
We are about to start moving!
We hope to create in the dance world
what gay choruses are to the choral music world:
A group of gay men who come together
to share the joy of dance as a performing art.

             If you ever had the fantasy of being on stage as a dancer, this is for you.
"The Line" is a chance for gay men to be dancers,
             without having to make the commitment
             to making a living as a professional dancer.
             Amateur means one who loves,
             And this is for the gay amateur dancer,
             All ages
             All sizes
             All abilities.
             We’ll meet once a week
             For ten weeks.
             Is this a chorus line?
             Not exactly, but kind of.
             A gay men’s chorus?
             Not exactly, but kind of.

The Line Winter 2005 session starts for 13 weeks on Jan 12th at 7 pm
Downtown YWCA
$84 for YW members and $168 for non members
Runs for 13 weeks
People can come to an initial session for free to check it out

email me with questions or interest

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